Project Management Quiz

What are the three different project management structures?
functional organization, dedicated project teams, and matrix structure
A good system appropriately balances the need of both the...
project and the parent organization in terms of authority, allocation of resources, and eventual integration of project outcomes into mainstream operations.
What is the functional organization type of project management?
simply to manage the project within the existing functional hierarchy of the organization
When is the functional organization style commonly used?
Given the nature of the project, one functional area plays a dominant role in completing the project or has a dominant interest in the success of the project.
What are the advantages to the functional organization style?
No change in the organization (projects are completed in their field), Flexibility (people can be switched between projects at ease), In-Depth Expertise, and Easy Post-Project Transition
What are the disadvantages to the functional organization style?
Lack of focus, poor integration, slow (it generally takes longer to complete projects through functional organization), Lack of ownership (motivation can be weak)
What is a dedicated project team?
An organizational structure in which all of the resources needed to accomplish a project are assigned full time to the project.
Projectized organization
A multi-project organization in which project managers have full authority to assign priorities and direct the work of persons assigned to their project
What are the advantages of projectized organization?
Simple, fast, cohesive, and cross-functional integration
What are the disadvantages of projectized organization style?
Expensive, internal strife, limited technological expertise, difficult post-project transition
What is a matrix?
Any organizational structure in which the project manager shares responsibility with the functional managers for assigning priorities and for directing the work of individuals assigned to the project.

Also, a hybrid organizational form in which a horizontal project management structure is "overlaid" on the normal function hierarchy.
In the matrix structure there are usually two chains of command. One from ________ and the other from __________.
functional lines, project lines
The matrix structure is designed to optimally utilize resources by...
having individuals work on multiple projects as well as being capable of performing normal functional duties.
What is a weak matrix?
A matrix structure in which functional managers have primary control over project activities and the project manager coordinates the work.
What is a balanced matrix?
A matrix structure in which the project manager and functional managers share roughly equal authority over the project. The project manager decides what needs to be done; functional managers are concerned with how it will be accomplished. // The project manager is responsible for defining what needs to be accomplished while the functional managers are concerned with HOW it will be accomplished.
What is a strong matrix?
A matrix structure in which the project manager has primary control over project activities and functional managers support project work.
What are the strengths of a matrix structure?
Efficient, strong project focus, easier post project transition, flexible
What are the disadvantages (or growing pains) of the matrix structure?
Dysfunctional conflict, infighting, stressful - the person may have functional AND project managers, slow
What are the main questions that need to be asked when deciding how important a project is?
How important is project management to the success of the firm? What resources are available?
Important Project Considerations
Size of project, strategic importance, novelty and need for information, need for integration (# of departments involved), environmental complexity (# of external interfaces), Budget and time constraints, stability of resource requirements
Organizational Culture
a system of shared norms, beliefs, valuse, and assumptions which binds people together, thereby creating shared meanings
What are the 10 primary aspects of an organization that capture its culture?
Member identity, team emphasis, management focus, unit integration, control, risk tolerance, reward criteria, conflict tolerance, means versus end orientation, open-systems focus