Responsibility Accounting and Performance Measures Paper 5


Albert Hathaway recently joined Brannen University as the chief information officer of the University Computing Services Department. His assigned task is to help reduce the recurrent problem of cost overruns due to uncontrolled computer usage by the user community, while at the same time, not curtailing the use of information technology for research and teaching. To ensure goal congruence, which one of the following algorithms should be used to allocate the cost of the University Computing Services Department to other departments within the university?


Which of the following is a characteristic of a contribution income statement?


The imputed interest rate used in the residual income approach to performance evaluation can best be described as the


A firm earning a profit can increase its return on investment by


Which one of the following statements pertaining to the return on investment (ROI) as a performance measurement is false?


Listed below is selected financial information for the Western Division of the Hinzel Company for last year.
Amount ........................................Account (thousands)
Average working capital........................ $ 625
General and administrative expenses .......75
Net sales............................................... 4,000
Average plant and equipment ................1,775
Cost of goods sold ..................................3,525
If Hinzel treats the Western Division as an investment center for performance measurement purposes, what is the before-tax return on investment (ROI) for last year?


One approach to measuring divisional performance is return on investment. Return on investment is expressed as operating income


Return on investment (ROI) is a very popular measure employed to evaluate the performance of corporate segments because it incorporates all of the major ingredients of profitability (revenue, cost, investment) into a single measure. Under which one of the following combinations of actions regarding a segment’s revenues, costs, and investment would a segment’s ROI always increase?
Revenues ...Costs... Investments


In evaluating an investment center, top management should concentrate on


Which one of the following will not improve return on investment if other factors are constant?


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